Although there may be different approaches, the most successful digital transformations occur when there is a holistic approach to the outcome. One needs to ensure the following 8 areas are managed effectively.
What will your digital transformation Success Look Like? This is not time for a broad vision, this vision should be tangible.
Create the Roadmap, with significant milestones to Reach the Destination in your vision.
Measure your teams Performance against the significant milestones in your strategy, you may have multiple KPI’s for a single goal/strategic objective. Also measure deviating trends and report on them so you can realign on course. Don’t forget to measure and have forward looking customer KPI’s to track benefit/ Value realization.
Employee Experience
Its all about the team, retain strategic talent and train in house resources to effectively secure critical IP. Positive Employee engagement can increase productivity by as much as 30-50%.
Organisational Change
Start Small but Think Big, your transformation is going to introduce change and possible uncertainty. Identify the 3 groups of people facing the change, the detractors (+- 20%) – Those that wont buy in to the transformation without significant investment in time/effort. The promoters (+-20%) those that are keen for the change and whom champion the transformation. The rest (+- 60%) those that neither agree nor disagree with the change. If time and money are no issue focus on all 3 groups to drive positive momentum, alternatively if time/money is limited use the promoters as change champions to move the rest into a positive momentum, and ignore the detractors.
Any transformation is going to introduce change that impacts people/process/technology, when dealing with process, don’t be shy to Re-engineer How High-Impact Work Is completed. If you create a transformation without a benefit in process it is highly questionable as to the advantage. Technology change for technology sake is a waste of money and time. Even if you need to upgrade end of life systems, look for the process optimization advantage.
Too few people/teams focus on this as a significant part of the plan. Data is not simply something that must be done correctly or cleaned etc. Data and information is an asset as valuable as any system or resource. Look for opportunities to use it, protect/retain it from competitors, analyse it and the opportunity it provides in the transformation.
Your transformation is possible hinging on a piece of technology. Its clear the technology will change. The opportunity lies in not making the transformation about a change in technology. Take a wider view of peripheral applications and consider opportunities. Ensure the applications within the process chains targeted for change have all been scrutinised for opportunity, are you able to remove/sunset any?